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Create an account

If you don’t have an account yet, start a trial.

If a Sophos partner has created an account for you and you've received a welcome email from Sophos, skip to Activate your account and get software.

  1. Go to and click Free Trial.

    If you have problems, go to and search for "Sophos Central Free Trial".

  2. On the Sophos Central Free Trial page, enter your name and email address and click Next.

    Screenshot of free trial sign-up page.

  3. On the next page, complete the rest of the details. Click Submit.

  4. You see confirmation that your account is ready.

    Screenshot of free trial confirmation page.

  5. Check your email for a welcome email from Sophos and continue to the next section.

    If you can't see the email, check your junk or spam folders.