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Domain lists

You can add a domain list to allow or block specific domains. DNS Protection policies allow or block entire web categories. If you've blocked a web category in a policy but want to allow specific domains, you can create a list of those domains, add that list to the policy, and then allow that list.

When you allow or block a list in a policy, all domains in that list are allowed or blocked. For example, if you have four domains in a list and allow that list in a policy, DNS Protection allows all four domains.

The Domain lists page shows all the domain lists you've created, the number of domains in each list, its description, and the date it was last modified.

To delete a domain list, select a domain list and click Delete.


You can't delete a domain list added to a policy. When you're deleting a domain list added to a policy, the error message shows the policy it is added to. Remove it from the policy first, then delete it.