Retrieve recovery key via Self Service Portal
If users cannot log on to their computer (forgot BitLocker PIN, macOS password, etc.), they can use the Sophos Self Service Portal to retrieve a recovery key. With the recovery key, they can regain access to their computer.
To enable users to recover their computers in the Self Service Portal, in Sophos Central, go to People > Manage Users & Groups > Users, select one or more users, and click the Email Setup Link button. In the following dialog, select Sophos Central Self Service Welcome/Setup Email to email users an activation link.
When users follow the instructions in the email, they can use the Sophos Self Service Portal to recover their computer.
These instructions tell you what the users will see and what they need to do.
They must:
- Sign in to the Sophos Central Self Service Portal using another computer.
Go to the Device Encryption page.
A list of all computers where the user was the last one to be logged on is displayed. If someone else has logged on to a computer in the meantime, the user cannot regain access to this computer via the Self Service Portal.
Select a computer from the list and click the Retrieve button in the RECOVERY KEY column.
A dialog with the recovery key is displayed.
Start their own computer and go to the recovery page.
- Windows: Press the Esc key to switch to the BitLocker recovery screen.
- Mac: Click the question mark icon in the Password field to switch to the FileVault recovery page.
Enter the recovery key.
Users can access their computer again.