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Managed Risk cases

The Managed Risk team uses "cases" to notify you and give remediation guidance when we find critical vulnerabilities in your estate.

Cases are also used for scheduling meetings with our team and for all other interactions with the service.

View your cases

  1. Go to Threat Analysis Center > Cases.

    This page shows XDR, MDR, and Managed Risk cases. If you're an XDR customer, you can investigate any XDR cases yourself, but only Sophos teams can process MDR and Managed Risk cases.

  2. In the Case type column, look for Managed Risk.

    Case type column on Cases pages.

  3. Click the Case ID next to a case to see its details.

    Case ID link in Cases list.

  4. You now see the Case details page.

    The page shows details of the specific case. It also lets the Managed Risk team record progress in their investigation.

    Case details.

Create a case

You can create a Managed Risk case to carry out tasks such as the following:

  • Change your scan settings.
  • Ask questions or raise concerns with the Managed Risk team.

Only create Managed Risk cases to send queries related to the Managed Risk service.

To create a case, do as follows:

  1. Go to Threat Analysis Center > Cases.
  2. Click Create case.

    "Create case" button on "Cases" page.

  3. In the Create case dialog, select Managed Risk and enter a name and description.

    "Create case" dialog.

  4. Click Create.