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Create a site

Create a site to add your access point.

To create a site, do as follows:

  1. Go to My Products > Wireless > Sites.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a name.
  4. Enter the location. The country will be applied automatically based on your location.

    Sophos Central uses Google Maps. You must enter a real address.

    The below screenshot is an example of site creation.

    Create site example.

  5. Read the user acceptance notice and click Accept & continue.


    You must ensure the site location is correct before clicking Accept & continue. Failure to set the site location correctly may prevent the 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands from functioning.

  6. Select access points you want to add to the site. You can add an access point to one site only.


    You can only add an AP6 access point to a site within its SKU's region. For example, you can't add a United States (US) AP6 to a site in a European (EU) location. See Sophos Wireless: AP6 SKU country mapping.

  7. Save your settings.