Administration role details
If you click a role on the Role Management page, its details are shown on a separate page.
Go to My Products > General Settings and click Role Management. Click the role you want to see details for. The page for the role shows the following information.
This is the access level for a role. The options are Full, Help Desk, or Read-only.
Global Settings
These are the specialized capabilities for a role. The settings are:
- Access sensitive logs & reports: This option means that an administrator can view sensitive logs and reports; for example the Audit Logs.
- Access policy management: This option means that an administrator can change policy settings.
- Access policy assignment: This option means that an administrator can assign policies to users and devices.
- Start Live Response sessions on computers: This option means that an administrator can connect to a computer to investigate and remediate possible security issues.
- Start Live Response sessions on servers: This option means that an administrator can connect to a server to investigate and remediate possible security issues.
- Manage Live Response settings for computers: This option means that an administrator can turn on Live Response for computers and exclude specific computers from Live Response.
- Manage Live Response settings for servers: This option means that an administrator can turn on Live Response for servers and exclude specific servers from Live Response.
The Live Response settings are available only for the Super Admin and custom roles that have the necessary product and permission selected.
Role Members
This is a list of the administrators that are assigned to the role. Click a name to see their full details.