Get app logs
You can get the log files of all managed Sophos Mobile apps, either remotely through Sophos Mobile Admin, or on the device through Sophos Mobile Control.
For Android devices, iPhones, and iPads, you can get the log files of the following apps, if Sophos Mobile manages them:
- Sophos Mobile Control
- Sophos Intercept X for Mobile
For Chrome devices, you can get the log files of Sophos Chrome Security.
For an app that Sophos Mobile doesn’t manage, you can still export its log files from the app.
For information on how to get the system log files for an iPhone or iPad, see Get iOS logs using Apple Configurator 2 or Xcode.
Get Sophos Mobile logs remotely
We recommend that you set the most verbose log level, Trace, before getting the log files. See Set log level.
To get the log files of all managed Sophos Mobile apps on a device through Sophos Mobile Admin, do as follows:
- On the menu sidebar, click Devices.
Open the device for which you want to get the log files.
You can get log files for Android devices, iPhones, iPads, and Chrome devices.
On the Show device page, select Actions > Get log files.
Sophos Mobile sends you an email with the log files.
For Android Enterprise devices, you can include an Android bug report containing diagnostic data for the whole device. This doesn't apply to Android Enterprise devices in kiosk mode when you turned off the Show notifications policy setting. See Kiosk mode policy settings.
For iPhones and iPads, the user must open Sophos Mobile Control within 72 hours after you run the action. Otherwise, the action fails.
Get Sophos Mobile logs on a device
You can’t export log files from Samsung devices if you assigned them a Knox container policy that has Allow "Share via" turned off.
To get the log files of all managed Sophos Mobile apps through Sophos Mobile Control, do as follows:
- Open Sophos Mobile Control on the device.
- Open the app menu and select Send log to Sophos.
- Select the email app.
Enter the email sender and recipient.
In Android, the default sender is the user’s Google account, and the default recipient is the IT contact that you configured in Sophos Mobile Admin. See Configure IT contact.
Send the email.
Get Sophos Intercept X for Mobile logs (Android)
To get the log files of the Sophos Intercept X for Mobile Android app, do as follows:
- Open Sophos Intercept X for Mobile.
- Open the app menu and select Settings > Send log to Sophos.
- Select the email app.
Enter the email sender and recipient.
The default sender is the user’s Google account.
Send the email.
Get Sophos Intercept X for Mobile logs (iOS)
To get the log files of the Sophos Intercept X for Mobile iOS or iPadOS app, do as follows:
- Open Sophos Intercept X for Mobile.
- Open the app menu and select Settings > Send log files.
- Select Mail.
Enter the email sender and recipient.
The default sender is the email address of the Google account.
Select Send.
Get Sophos Chrome Security logs
To get the log files of Sophos Chrome Security, do as follows:
- Open Chrome.
In the extension bar, select Sophos Chrome Security.
Select About > Export log.
Sophos Chrome Security saves the log files in the device’s download folder.