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“Password policies - Work profile” configuration (Android Enterprise work profile policy)

With the Password policies - Work profile configuration, you set requirements for the password to unlock the work profile.

For the password to unlock the display, see “Password policies - Device” configuration (Android Enterprise work profile policy).


Some settings are only available for certain device types or operation system versions. For details, see the labels next to a setting in Sophos Mobile.

In the Password type list, select the type of password users are allowed to configure:

Setting Description
Pattern, PIN or password

Users must set a screen lock. They can choose a type Pattern, PIN or Password screen lock.

No additional restrictions are imposed.

Simple password

Users must set a Password screen lock. Digits are allowed, but the password must contain at least one letter.

You can define a minimum length. See the following table.

PIN or password

Users must set a PIN or Password screen lock.

You can define a minimum length. See the following table.

Alphanumeric password

Users must set a Password screen lock. The password must contain both letters and digits.

You can define a minimum length. See the following table.

Complex password

Users must set a Password screen lock. The password must contain both letters and digits.

You can define a minimum length and a minimum number of digits, lowercase and uppercase letters and special characters. See the following two tables.

Weak biometric recognition

Users are allowed to use weak biometric recognition methods, like face recognition, to unlock the work profile.

Weak biometric recognition methods provide similar security as a 3-digit PIN. This means that unauthorized unlocking might happen in 1 of 1000 attempts.

If you select Simple password, PIN or password, Alphanumeric password or Complex password, the following fields are displayed:

Setting Description
Minimum password length The minimum number of characters a password must contain.
Maximum idle time before password prompt

The time after the work profile is locked if it has not been used. The profile can be unlocked by entering the password.

The device might impose a shorter time period than what you configure here.

Maximum password age in days

Requires users to change their password in the specified interval.

Value range: 0 (no password change required) to 730 days.

Maximum sign-in attempts The work profile is deleted after this number of incorrect sign-in attempts.
Password history

The number of previously used passwords Sophos Mobile stores.

When the user sets a new password, it mustn’t match a password that was already used.

If you select Complex password, the following additional fields are displayed:

Setting Description
Minimum number of letters The minimum number of letters a password must contain.
Minimum number of lowercase letters The minimum number of lowercase letters a password must contain.
Minimum number of uppercase letters The minimum number of uppercase letters a password must contain.
Minimum number of non-alphabetic characters The minimum number of non-alphabetic characters (for example & or !) a password must contain.
Minimum number of digits The minimum number of numerals a password must contain.
Minimum number of special characters The minimum number of special characters (for example !"§$%&/()=,.-;:_@<>) a password must contain.