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Early Access Programs

Early access programs let you try out new product features before we release them to all customers.

You can take part in more than one program at the same time.

There are two types of early access program:

  • Open. Anyone can take part.
  • Invitation only. We invite you to take part in the program and send you the code you need for access.


As the product features are in development, they are subject to change.

Join programs


Partners using flex licensing may not be able to enroll their customers into early access programs. This is because of licensing limitations. Flex licenses are monthly licenses that aren't compatible with most early access programs.

To join programs, do as follows:

  1. Click your Profile icon, and then click Early access programs.

    On the Early Access Programs page, you'll see a list of the available programs.


    If you want to join an “invitation only” program, you must add the program to the list first. Under Invitation only programs, enter your invitation code.

  2. Click the Join button next to a program.

  3. A description of the program is displayed. Click Continue.
  4. In the End User License Agreement & Privacy Policy dialog, view the agreement and then click Accept.


    If the program is for endpoint software, an Add devices button is displayed. You must continue to the next step.

  5. Click the Add devices button.

  6. On the Manage devices page, you see a list of the Eligible devices on which you can install the new feature. Use the picker to select the devices where you want to try the new feature. Click Save.


    You can add or remove devices at any time during the program. To do this, go to the Early Access Programs page again and click the Manage button beside the program.

The software on the selected devices will be updated to include the new feature.

Leave programs

To leave a program, click the Leave button next to the program.

If you want to stop using a new feature, you can also simply remove your devices from a program as follows:

  1. On the Early Access Programs page, click the Manage button next to the program.
  2. On the Manage devices page, use the picker to remove all your devices from the Assigned devices list.