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Report Hub

The report hub shows key information about the hardware, security threats, and performance against policy for your selected Sophos Firewall devices.

If you have an Advanced license, you can view reports for multiple firewalls at the same time.


You can only select multiple firewalls if they're all licensed.

Any administrator with access to Firewall Management in your account can see these reports. This includes your partner or Enterprise administrators.

To find out more about administration roles and controlling access to options, see Administration Roles.

Access the report hub

To access the report hub, go to My Products > Firewall Management > Report Hub.

You can also access the report hub by doing as follows:

  1. Go to My Products > Firewall Management > Firewalls.
  2. Select the ellipsis button (…) on the right of the firewall for which you want to view the dashboard.
  3. Select View device reports.

    The Firewall reporting - Report Hub page is shown.

Use the report hub

Select your firewalls from the drop-down list and click Apply. The report hub then shows data from those firewalls. If you want to deselect all of your firewalls, go to the drop-down list and click Deselect all, then click Apply. You can also deselect them one at a time.


You can currently select up to 100 firewalls. For a higher number of firewalls, you can run multiple reports with up to 100 firewalls in each one. Each administrator can configure a maximum of 100 scheduled reports. This means you can have up to 100 reports for all of the features that use this report format. For more information, see Logs and Reports.

The report hub is split into the following areas:

  • Network
  • Security
  • Policy

Each area shows a snapshot of information at the time the dashboard page was displayed.

For all areas, in each circle, the color of the value indicates the severity:

  • Red: Critical
  • Yellow: Warning
  • Gray: OK

If you click one of the circles, more detailed information about that attribute is shown in the lower part of the area, for the last 24 hours.

In the lower part of each area, there is a View Report link. If this is enabled, you can click it to view the related report on the firewall reports page.


The Network area shows the following information:

  • CPU shows the percentage CPU usage. Severity:

    • Red: more than 90%
    • Yellow: 80–90%
    • Gray: less than 80%
  • Memory shows the percentage memory usage. Severity:

    • Red: more than 90%
    • Yellow: 80–90%
    • Gray: less than 80%
  • VPN shows the number of VPN tunnels that have a connected status in the firewall.

  • RED shows the number of Sophos Remote Ethernet Devices that are connected to the firewall.
  • Interfaces shows the number of ports that the firewall has.
  • Managed wifi APs shows the number of access points that are connected to the firewall.


If you select multiple firewalls, you won't see data for Network or CPU.


The Security area shows the following information:

  • ATP shows the number of threats that have been detected by Sophos Advanced Threat Protection, which is included in the firewall. Severity:

    • Red: more than 0
    • Gray: 0
  • Intrusion attacks shows the number of intrusion attacks that have been detected by the firewall. Severity:

    • Red: At least one attack has a firewall severity level of 4
    • Yellow: At least one attack has a firewall severity level of 3
    • Gray: All attacks have a firewall severity level from 0 to 2
  • Zero-day protection scanning shows the number of malicious files that were scanned and how many were cleaned. Severity:

    • Red: A malicious file has been detected
    • Gray: No malicious file has been detected

See Alerts.


The Policy area shows the following information:

  • Allowed app categories shows the number of application categories that are allowed by the firewall.
  • Apps new/mapped shows the number of newly-detected applications that are unknown to the firewall and the number of detected applications that have been sorted into a category.
  • Risky apps shows the number of applications that were detected that are categorized with a Sophos Firewall risk level of 4 (high) or 5 (very high). Severity:

    • Red: At least one application is categorized as risk level 5
    • Yellow: At least one application is categorized as risk level 4
    • Gray: All applications are categorized as risk level 3 or lower
  • New cloud apps shows the number of new cloud applications that were detected by the firewall.

  • Blocked app categories shows the number of website categories that were accessed and blocked by the firewall.
  • Objectionable category shows the number of website categories that were accessed that are classified as objectionable. Severity:

    • Red: more than 0
    • Gray: 0