Intelix Threat Summary
Intelix Threat Summary details all emails submitted to SophosLabs Intelix for analysis.
Go to Reports > Intelix Threat Summary.
You can view messages that occurred in the past 365 days or less. Messages for the last 30 days are shown by default.
The report shows clean, likely clean, suspicious, and malicious emails in graph form and in a list. They are categorized by the level of threat and you can filter the graph by the scan results. You can export the list in CSV or PDF format. Any emails that encounter errors are quarantined.
You can click the subject of any email to see more information about its contents and the results of the analysis. There are the following sections:
- Summary: Details of the email and whether it was delivered.
- Threat prevalence: How many times this malware has been received at your organization and other organizations.
- Static analysis: Details of machine learning analysis.
- Dynamic analysis: Results from tests run in a sandboxed environment.
If analysis is still in progress, you can't click the subject.
Use this information to determine the severity of the threat in an email.