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Dashboards show you data about alerts, events, users, devices, and more.

Click Dashboards to see the dashboards available to you.

Sophos Central dashboards

By default, you can open these dashboards from the Dashboards menu:

  • Central Overview dashboard. This shows the most important information about alerts and your managed devices and users.

  • Account Health Check dashboard. This shows whether you're making the best use of Sophos products.

Dashboards for managed products

We also have dashboards for individual products or features like Threat Analysis Center. These dashboards depend on your licenses.

You can see the dashboards for individual products on that product's pages. You can also add some of these product-specific dashboards to the Dashboards menu. See Find more dashboards.

Custom dashboards

You can create custom dashboards that show the information you want. These dashboards are for your use only. Other admins can't see them. See Create or edit a dashboard.