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Configure AWS Auto Scaling

In this documentation, we show you how to configure AWS Auto Scaling for Web Application Firewall (WAF) traffic.

This guide assumes you've already done as follows on Amazon Web Services (AWS):

  • Created an EC2 key pair in the AWS account you'll use for deployment. See Create a Key Pair.

To configure AWS Auto Scaling for WAF traffic, do as follows:

You can also configure AWS Auto Scaling for WAF traffic in the following way:

  • Create your firewall Auto Scaling group in Sophos Central. For information about how to create firewall groups, see Firewalls.
  • Create API credentials in Sophos Central.
  • Create a dynamic interface object in Sophos Central.
  • Create your WAF rules by managing your firewall group through Sophos Central.
  • Deploy the CloudFormation template in AWS.