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Migrate campaigns from Phish Threat version 1

If you are still using Phish Threat version 1, you can migrate your completed version 1 campaigns to version 2.

To be able to do this, you must be able to log in to Phish Threat version 1 from Sophos Central using single sign-on.

To migrate, do as follows:

  1. In Phish Threat version 1, click Campaigns > Migrate to V2.
  2. In Campaign Migration Center, click Start Campaign Migration.
  3. Click OK to confirm. Phish Threat starts to migrate all your completed campaigns, and the Migration Information and the Pending Campaign Migrations table are updated.

When all your completed campaigns have been migrated, you can view all the campaign data in Phish Threat version 2, under My Products > Phish Threat > Campaigns.


Two months after you have successfully migrated all your completed campaigns, you cannot create new campaigns in Phish Threat version 1 and version 1 will no longer be available in Sophos Central.

If you stop the migration, campaign data that has already been migrated remains in version 2, ready for you to resume.