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Create a site

Create a site to add your access point.

To create a site, do as follows:

  1. Go to My Products > Wireless > Sites.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a name.
  4. Enter the location. The country will be applied automatically based on your location.

    Sophos Central uses Google Maps. You must enter a real address.

    The below screenshot is an example of site creation.

    Create site example.

  5. Read the user acceptance notice and click Accept & continue.


    You must ensure the site location is correct before clicking Accept & continue. Failure to set the site location correctly may prevent the 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands from functioning.

  6. Select access points you want to add to the site.

    You can add an access point to one site only.

  7. Save your settings.