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Delete a Google Directory source

You can delete a Google Directory source from your list. You must purge the data before deleting a source. See Purge synchronized Google Directory data.


You can't restore this deleted data and directory source.

To delete a source, do as follows:

  1. Go to My Products > General Settings and click Directory service.
  2. Click the name of the source.
  3. Click Turn off.
  4. Disconnect the synchronized Google Directory by doing one of the following:

    • On Configure Google directory sync settings, click Disconnect.
    • Click More, click Delete, then click Disconnect now.
  5. Click Continue to start disconnecting the directory source.

    We'll need your consent to clean up connection data from the Google Cloud service account.

    Google Directory disconnect directory source.

  6. Choose your Google Admin account.

  7. Allow the necessary access, then click Continue. Wait for the connection to load.

    Google Directory Sync Access Grant to Sophos.

  8. When the disconnection is confirmed, click Close.

  9. Click More, then click Delete.
  10. Click Delete directory source.

    Google Directory delete source.

The Google Directory source is now deleted.