Global Templates
You must be an Enterprise Super Admin to manage global templates.
You can use a template for up to 500 sub-estates. You can only have a combined total of 5,000 devices for these sub-estates.
You can create templates that consist of settings and base policies. You can apply these templates to groups of your sub-estates.
You can do as follows:
- Apply the same settings to all sub-estates in a group.
- Stop sub-estates from changing your settings.
- Update templates and push changes to sub-estates.
The Global Templates page shows your templates, the number of sub-estates they apply to, when the template was last pushed and their push status. See Template.
You can filter the templates by searching for sub-estates.
Click a template name to see the sub-estates, global settings and base policies associated with it.
To push a template to sub-estates, select the template and click Push. Pushing a template can take a few minutes.
Pushing a global template overwrites existing base policies. If you remove the global template, the base policies revert to their recommended or default settings.