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The Trials page contains the list of trial Sophos Central licenses that your sub-estates have.

It shows the trial license, its ID and which sub-estate is using it. You can see the start date and expiry date for the license and its usage.

If you start a trial, the sub-estate will get trials for Sophos products, but existing full licenses won't be allocated to the sub-estate.

If you choose to automatically allocate existing licenses, all existing licenses in the enterprise will be applied to the sub-estate.

In-product trials aren’t available for enterprise accounts. However, you can create a sub-estate from the Sophos Central Enterprise dashboard to start a trial. After you create a sub-estate, you can begin trials for the sub-estate or use automatic license allocation. See Sub-estates.

The active trial licenses from the last 30 days are shown by default. You can show the active trial licenses for the last 60 or 90 days or all licenses.