Install Sophos Enterprise Console server and console components

On the new server:

  1. Locate the Sophos Enterprise Console installer and double-click on it.
  2. In the Sophos Enterprise Console dialog box, click Next.
  3. A wizard guides you through installation. You should do as follows:
    1. Accept the defaults wherever possible.
    2. In the Components selection dialog box, select Management Server and Management Console.
    3. In the Database details dialog box, enter the credentials for database access.
    4. In the Sophos Update Manager Credentials dialog box, enter the Windows user account that is used as the Update Manager account set earlier in Check Update Manager password and continue with the installation.
  4. When installation is complete, you may be prompted to restart. Click Yes or Finish.
    Note When you log back on (or restart) for the first time after installation, dismiss the warning message saying that the update manager is not configured and close Sophos Enterprise Console.

You have finished installing the Sophos Enterprise Console management server and management console components.