Appendix B: Uninstall with a distributed console

Uninstallation doesn't delete the Sophos Enterprise Console database. It will only undo the changes made by the Virtualization Scan Controller.

Uninstalling also unregisters the Virtualization Scan Controller service.

Note If you just wish to unregister the Virtualization Scan Controller as a Windows service you can use the command SavScanController unregister.

This section assumes that you have a distributed installation of Sophos Enterprise Console.

Note If you have a standalone installation of Sophos Enterprise Console, see Uninstall Virtualization Scan Controller.

To uninstall Virtualization Scan Controller:

  1. On the computer where you have the Sophos management server, open a command prompt window at the directory where you have the Virtualization Scan Controller files.
  2. Ensure Virtualization Scan Controller isn't running on the computer.

    To stop it, type net stop SavScanController if you have registered as a Windows service. Otherwise, type Ctrl+C.

  3. Enter SavScanController uninstall and press Enter.
  4. On the computer where you have the Sophos management database, open a command prompt window and enter SavScanController uninstall <Hostname>\<Instance> <Database>.

    The Hostname\Instance and Database values must be the same values used for installation.