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Getting Investigations data via HDFS/Presto


Sophos Linux Sensor's (SLS) recommended deployment for non-cloud environments is to use HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for storage and Presto for the querying engine.


You confirgure Investigations in the /etc/sophos/runtimedetections-rules.yaml file. By default, the Process Events, Sensor, and Container Events are enabled. This means that if no table key is provided, those tables are turned on automatically with a default row size - unique for each MetaEvent type. To configure additional tables, you must specify them directly.

This is an example with every MetaEvent type configured to write to HDFS:

  reporting_interval: 5m
    - name: >-
        [The address of the name node here]:9000/[directory on hdfs to store
        data, absolute path]
      backend: hdfs
      automated: true
      credentials: null
      blob_storage_hdfs_user:'[hadoop username that has write access]'
      blob_storaee_create_buckets_enabled: true
    enabled: true
      - name: shell_commands
        enabled: true
      - name: tty_data
        enabled: true
      - name: file_events
        enabled: false
      - name: connections
        enabled: true
      - name: sensor_metadata
        enabled: true
      - name: alerts
        enabled: true
      - name: sensors
        enabled: true
      - name: process_events
        enabled: true
      - name: container_events
        enabled: true

Storage solutions

This section provides guides to aid in the installation and setup of storage solutions for SLS's Investigations data.



Currently, only insecure HDFS is supported. Only the username of a user that has write access to the directory that would store the Investigations data is required. In addition to this, every sensor writing to HDFS will need to be able to access the namenodes on ports 8020/9000 and all of the datanodes on port 50010 and 50020.

SLS configuration

To write MetaEvents to HDFS, you can configure it with a address of the name node with port and a user.

Here's an example:

  reporting_interval: 5m
    - name: '[The address of the name node here]:9000/[directory on hdfs to store data, absolute path]'
      backend: hdfs
      automated: true
        blob_storage_hdfs_user: '[hadoop username that has write access]'
        blob_storage_create_buckets_enabled: true

Create bucket

It's highly recommended to have blob_storage_create_buckets_enabled: true set for HDFS. This is because of the hierarchical nature of HDFS versus the flat nature of blob storage. If a table subdirectory or partition folder doesn't exist, it will fail to write.


The following settings ensure that folders are created in HDFS if they don't exist. In /etc/sophos/runtimedetections-rules.yaml enable the blob_storage_create_buckets_enabled field. See the following example configuration:

blob_storage_create_buckets_enabled: true

Query solutions

This section provides guides to aid in the installation/setup of query solutions with SLS's investigations.

Presto: Manual

HDFS configuration

For HDFS see Presto's guide

Example queries

Queries are run using SQL syntax. This section provides a common example queries. For a complete reference of all the available fields that can be queried, see Using MetaEvent filters.

Who has run a command through Sudo?

SELECT from_unixtime(process_events.unix_nano_timestamp /
1000000000) as timestamp,
pid, path, username, login_username
FROM process_events where event_type = 0 and username !=

Which programs and their users connected to a given IP?

SELECT DISTINCT from_unixtime(connections.unix_nano_timestamp
/ 1000000000) AS timestamp,
FROM connections, sensors, container_events, process_events
WHERE connections.process_uuid = process_events.process_uuid
AND container_events.process_uuid = ## Storage solutionsprocess_events.proce
AND connections.dst_addr ='$DESTINATION_IP';

What containers or images ran on my cluster and where?

SELECT sensors.hostname
  container_events.image_name, from_unix_time(container_events.unix_nano_timestamp / 1000000000) as timestamp
FROM sensors, container_events;

Get all alerts that are part of an incident

FROM alerts where incident_id ='$INCIDENT_ID';

Get all shell commands that are part of an incident

SELECT from_unixtime(shell_commands.unix_nano_timestamp /
1000000000) AS timestamp,
   array_join(shell_commands.program_arguments,' ') as args,
FROM shell_commands
JOIN sensors ON sensors.sensor_id = shell_commands.sensor_id
WHERE shell_commands.incident_id ='$INCIDENT_ID';