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Sophos Linux Sensor command-line management

You can use the following commands to manage Sophos Linux Sensor (SLS) from the command line.


These commands are for managing SLS when deployed as a host process. You can't use these commands to manage SLS deployed as a container image.

Global commands:

Global commands use the following syntax:

sophoslinuxsensor [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Option Description
-dump-perf-sensor Dumps the embedded perf-sensor binary to disk.
-preflight-only Runs the preflight checks only and exits.
-set-caps Sets the required capabilities on the sophoslinuxsensor binary.
-test-alert Prints a test message and exits. This triggers a benign policy in order to test the configured alert outputs of a running sensor.
-testconfigandexit <file> Tests the validity of the specified configuration file without running the sensor.
-version Prints the SLS version and exits.


Command Description
sudo systemctl enable sophoslinuxsensor Turn SLS on.
sudo systemctl disable sophoslinuxsensor Turn SLS off.
sudo systemctl start sophoslinuxsensor Start SLS.
sudo systemctl stop sophoslinuxsensor Stop SLS.
sudo systemctl status sophoslinuxsensor Display the status of SLS.
sudo systemctl restart sophoslinuxsensor Restart SLS.


Command Description
sudo journalctl -u sophoslinuxsensor View the SLS logs.
sudo journalctl -fu sophoslinuxsensor View and follow the SLS logs.
sudo journalctl -efu sophoslinuxsensor View, jump to the end, and follow the SLS logs.

apt (Ubuntu)

Command Description
apt list --installed | grep sophos Show SLS and content info for Ubuntu.

rpm (RHEL/CentOS/Amazon)

Command Description
rpm list --installed | grep sophos Show SLS and content info for RHEL/CentOS/Amazon.