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Exporting Alerts to Azure Storage


The blobstorage output type sends alerts to individual files in an Azure Storage bucket. The sensor can optionally create the target bucket or buckets so long as it has sufficient permissions.

This output type is commonly used for easy archiving of Alerts in a durable store. It can also be used as the trigger for an ETL process in cloud environments where blob storage write events trigger a cloud function that processes the incoming Alert. At this point Alerts can be enriched, transformed, and shipped out to other systems as needed.

Azure Storage Configuration

There is no specific configuration needed in Azure storage. A storage account should be set up where the bucket will be created or modified to write the alerts. An account key with write permissions should also be available. This key can be requested from the Azure Storage helpdesk.

KeyEnv VariableRequiredDescription
azure_account_nameAZURE_ACCOUNT_NAMEyesThe name of the Azure storage account.
azure_account_keyAZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY yes / noAn account key that has permissions to write to the blob container.
azure_sas_tokenAZURE_SAS_TOKENnoAn optional SAS token which can be used.

Sophos Linux Sensor configuration

Sophos Linux Sensor configuration is set up in runtimedetections-rules.yaml.


    - type: blobstorage 
      enabled: true 
      bucket_name: sophos-alerts 
      provider: azure 
      azure_account_name: <account-name> 
      azure_account_key: <account-key>
      azure_sas_token: <sas-token>
Key Required Description
type yes The output type.
enabled yes Enables/disables the output.
provider yes The cloud provider name.
bucket_name yes The name of the bucket to write to.
create_bucket no Enables/disables bucket creation. Defaults to False.


There is a known issue where the underlying Azure library will sometimes display a HTTP 409 error message during startup when create_bucket is enabled and the bucket already exists. This error is expected and can be ignored.