How to uninstall Sophos Connect
This topic shows you how to uninstall Sophos Connect on Windows or macOS.
To uninstall Sophos Connect from Windows, do as follows:
- Go to Control Panel and under Programs click Uninstall a program.
- Right-click Sophos Connect, and select Uninstall.
To uninstall Sophos Connect from macOS, do as follows:
- Sign in to Sophos Central and turn off tamper protection for macOS. See the "On the Sophos Endpoint Agent on a macOS device" section in Turn off Tamper Protection.
- Open the macOS terminal.
Elevate to root and run the uninstall script from the location Sophos Connect is installed in.
sudo /Library/Sophos\ Connect/
Turn on tamper protection for macOS.
You'll get the following message if the uninstallation was successful: Sophos Connect has been uninstalled