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HA status messages

Status messages that you see when HA is configured.

Status Description
Primary Sophos Firewall that's configured as the main Sophos Firewall for the network. If both firewalls are online, this is the Sophos Firewall through which traffic flows.

The designation is dynamic: When the auxiliary device takes over, the designation changes from primary to auxiliary.
Auxiliary Sophos Firewall that's configured as the secondary Sophos Firewall for the network. If both firewalls are online, this is the Sophos Firewall that is the inactive hot spare in active-passive mode. In active-active mode, the auxiliary firewall also processes the traffic.
Standalone The auxiliary device isn’t available. It likely has a fault.
Fault The device has a fault. Reasons can include the monitoring port being down, a firmware update is in progress, the device is rebooting, or another network issue. Note that a fault status doesn’t mean hardware failure.

QuickHA status

You see the following status messages when using QuickHA.

Status Description
Device discovery started. Dedicated HA link configured. QuickHA confirms that a dedicated link has been configured.
One time Password set for dedicated Interface. Device discovery in-progress. QuickHA is trying to connect the primary and auxiliary devices.
Peer detected. Initial SSH handshake in-progress. The auxiliary device has been detected, and the initial connection is being established.
Peer detected. Initial synchronization started. Synchronization of the configuration is in progress.
Established. HA has been established.
Not established. HA hasn’t been established. Check all settings and connections.