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Log commands

See the commands for troubleshooting log files.

To see the log lines, do as follows:

  1. Sign in to the CLI and enter 5 for Device Management and 3 for Advanced Shell.
  2. To open the log directory, enter the following command: cd /log
  3. Use one of the following commands:
Command Syntax Example Description
tail -f tail –f /log/<logfilename>.log tail –f /log/ips.log Shows the log file's latest entries.
less less /log/<logfilename>.log less /log/ips.log Shows static log files. Shows a set of log lines from the top. Press Enter to see the next set.
grep grep <keyword> /log/<logfilename>.log grep error /log/ips.log Applies a search filter for the keyword in the log file.
service service <service name>:<start/restart/stop/debug> –ds nosync service ips:debug -ds nosync Starts, restarts, stops, or debugs a service.