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The XG Series hardware appliances will reach end-of-life (EOL) on March 31, 2025. Click here to see the XG to XGS migration documentation.

Post an API request

You can post an API request using browsers, the firewall or your endpoint's Linux command-line interface, or applications such as Postman.

See the following examples.

To post an API request through the Postman application, do as follows:

  1. Under Collections, click the plus button to create a new collection.

    Add a new Postman collection.

  2. Under the collection, click Add a request.

    Add a new request to the collection.

  3. Under New Request, use the following syntax to enter your firewall details:

    https://<firewall's IP address>:<firewall's port>/webconsole/APIController

    Post request in Postman.

  4. Click Body and select form-data.

    Postman body and form data.

  5. Under Key, enter reqxml.

  6. Under Value, use the syntax in the following example to post the request.

            <Username><your username></Username>
            <Password><your password></Password>
        <Set operation="add">
  7. Click Send.

To post an API request through the command line of your Linux endpoint or the firewall, do as follows:

  1. Open a text editor, such as Notepad, and enter the payload you want to post.

    Here's an example of a request to get the IP hosts:

  2. Save the payload file with a .xml extension.

  3. Use the following syntax to post the payload:
curl -k https://<firewall's IP address>:<firewall's port>/webconsole/APIController -F "reqxml=<{payload file.xml}"

curl -k -F "reqxml=<FileXYZ.xml"

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