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The XG Series hardware appliances will reach end-of-life (EOL) on March 31, 2025. Click here to see the XG to XGS migration documentation.

Log commands

See the commands for troubleshooting log files.

To see the log lines, do as follows:

  1. Sign in to the CLI and enter 5 for Device Management and 3 for Advanced Shell.
  2. To open the log directory, enter the following command: cd /log
  3. Use one of the following commands:
Command Syntax Example Description
tail -f tail –f /log/<logfilename>.log tail –f /log/ips.log Shows the log file's latest entries.
less less /log/<logfilename>.log less /log/ips.log Shows static log files. Shows a set of log lines from the top. Press Enter to see the next set.
grep grep <keyword> /log/<logfilename>.log grep error /log/ips.log Applies a search filter for the keyword in the log file.
service service <service name>:<start/restart/stop/debug> –ds nosync service ips:debug -ds nosync Starts, restarts, stops, or debugs a service.