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The XG Series hardware appliances will reach end-of-life (EOL) on March 31, 2025. Click here to see the XG to XGS migration documentation.

All users can't establish tunnels

If no user can establish remote access SSL VPN tunnels, check the following settings.

SSL VPN global settings

Go to Remote access VPN > SSL VPN > SSL VPN global settings.

Change in global settings

  • Scenario

    • Protocol
    • SSL server certificate
    • Override hostname
    • Port


These settings ensure that tunnels are established. If you change any of these, users must download the .ovpn configuration file from the VPN portal and import it to the VPN client again.

Override hostname

  • Scenario: WAN interface

    • Single static public IP address
    • Multiple public IP addresses
    • Private IP address
    • Dynamic public IP address

Static public IP addresses

  • Single IP address: You can leave Override hostname empty if the firewall has a single static IP address.
  • Multiple IP addresses: You can enter the domain name or leave the field empty. The firewall will list all the WAN addresses in the .ovpn file.

Perform the following checks in both scenarios:

  1. Open the .ovpn file in a text editor.
  2. Check if it contains the domain name or public IP addresses.

    • If it doesn't, download the .ovpn file again and check.
    • Go to Network > Interfaces, and check your WAN interface settings.
    • If you entered the domain name, check its DNS resolution.

Private or dynamic public IP addresses

Choose one of the following options:

  • Upstream router: If the firewall has an upstream router, check the following configurations:

    1. Enter the router's public IP address or the domain name in Override hostname.
    2. Configure the router to port-forward SSL VPN traffic to the firewall.

      See How to configure SSL VPN remote access when Sophos Firewall is behind a NAT device.

  • Dynamic IP address: To resolve the firewall's dynamic public IP addresses, do as follows:

    1. Go to Network > DDNS and configure the settings. See Add a dynamic DNS provider.
    2. Under Override hostname, enter the DDNS Hostname. It's an FQDN.

SSL server certificate

  • Scenario

    • ApplianceCertificate or locally-signed certificate
    • External certificate
    • Characters in certificate fields
  • Certificate source:

    • ApplianceCertificate or another locally-signed certificate: If you change the Default CA settings, users must download and import the .ovpn file to the VPN client again.
    • External certificate: Upload the certificate, its private key, the intermediate certificate, if any, and the root CA. See SSL VPN global settings.
  • If you change the server certificate, users must download and import the .ovpn file to the VPN client again.

  • Characters: Don't use UTF-8 encoded characters in certificate and CA settings. See SSL VPN connection error "certificate verify failed".

WAN access

  • Scenario

    • SSL VPN
    • VPN portal
    • Ping/Ping6

Go to Administration > Device access and select the zones for the following services:

  2. VPN portal: WAN, LAN
  3. (Optional) Ping/Ping6: VPN

Turn on access from zones for SSL VPN and VPN portal.

DNAT rule

If a DNAT rule with the following settings exists, the firewall matches it first and sends traffic to the permitted network resource instead of establishing the tunnel.

  1. Original source: Any
  2. Original destination: Any
  3. Services: Any or the SSL VPN port and protocol.

Change the DNAT rule's services to exclude the remote access SSL VPN's port-protocol combination. You'll find these on SSL VPN global settings.

SSL VPN service

Check if SSL VPN service is running in the firewall as follows:

  1. Sign in to the CLI and enter 5 for Device management and 3 for Advanced shell.
  2. Enter the following command:

    service -S | grep sslvpn
    • It should show the Running status as follows:

      Command to check the SSL VPN service status.

    • If it shows UNREGISTERED status, make sure at least one SSL VPN policy exists.

DoS settings

  1. Go to Intrusion prevention > DoS & spoof protection.
  2. Under DoS settings, check if you selected the flags for UDP, TCP, and ICMP/ICMPv6 flood.

    The firewall drops SSL VPN traffic and ping requests when they cross the corresponding limits.

To prevent this, under DoS bypass rules, add an inbound rule as follows:

Settings Inbound rule
Source IP/Netmask *
Destination IP/Netmask Permitted network resource address
Protocol TCP or UDP
Source port Any
Destination port 8443