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The XG Series hardware appliances will reach end-of-life (EOL) on March 31, 2025. Click here to see the XG to XGS migration documentation.

Data anonymization

Using data anonymization, you can encrypt identities in logs and reports. Identities include user names, IP addresses, MAC addresses and email addresses. When you enable data anomymization, you specify one or more administrators who are authorized to de-anonymize the data. You can override anonymization using exceptions.

  • To encrypt identities in logs and reports, select Enable data anonymization, select an authorizer, and click Apply.


    Specify at least two authorizers. If you are logged in as one of the authorizers, approval from at least one other authorizer is required.

  • To override anonymization, specify exceptions (users, IP addresses, MAC addresses, or email addresses) and click Apply. Then, specify a user name (authorizer) and password and click Save. After you have authenticated, these identities will not be encrypted in logs and reports.

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