Use this tool to check the backup-restore compatibility for XG and XGS Series hardware, cloud, and virtual appliances.
The backup-restore assistant appears for XGS, Cloud, Virtual, and Software appliances when restoring backups from versions 19.5 MR4 and later to 20.0 MR2 and later.
Backup from
Restore to
Restore backup from Wi-Fi to non-Wi-Fi
Go to Wireless > Access
points and remove all the wireless networks added to LocalWifi0 (and
LocalWifi1 if it exists), then take a backup.
This tool can't be used to check if you can restore backups to earlier versions.
You can restore any port number to any port number.
The dedicated HA link port on the target device must be of the same interface type as the backup, for example, a physical interface on both.