
In the upper part of the Mail Manager > Global tab you can open the Mail Manager by clicking the Open Mail Manager in New Window button.

In the lower part, the Statistics Overview area provides an overview of all messages currently stored on the unit. Data is divided into messages that were delivered via the SMTP or POP3 protocol. For both types, the following information is displayed:

  • Waiting for delivery (spooled) (SMTP only): Mails that are currently in spool, for example because they were being scanned and could not be delivered yet.
  • Clean total (POP3 only): Mails that have been prefetched by the unit and have not yet been collected by a client/user.
  • Quarantined malware: The total of messages that contain malware, such as viruses or other harmful content.
  • Quarantined spam: The total of messages that were identified as spam.
  • Quarantined expression: The total of messages that were diverted to the quarantine because they contain forbidden expressions.
  • Quarantined file extension: The total of messages held in quarantine because they contain suspicious attachments (identified by their file extension).
  • Quarantined unscannable: The total of messages held in quarantine because it could not be scanned.
  • Quarantined MIME type (SMTP only): The total of messages held in quarantine because they contain MIME types that are to be filtered according to the SMTP settings.
  • Quarantined total: The total of messages that are held in quarantine.

Note – The numbers for Waiting for delivery represent a real-time snapshot for SMTP messages. However, for POP3 messages, the numbers presented are the accumulation of data since the last time prefetching was enabled.

Below you see a short statistic for SMTP quarantining and rejections of the last 24 hours:

  • Malware quarantined/rejected: Messages quarantined/rejected because they contain harmful content.
  • Spam quarantined/rejected: Messages quarantined/rejected because they have been identified as spam.
  • Blacklist rejects: Messages rejected because the sender is on a blacklist.
  • Address verification rejects: Messages rejected because the sender address could not be verified.
  • SPF rejects: Messages rejected because sending host is not allowed.
  • RBL rejects: Messages rejected because the sender is on a real time blackhole list.
  • BATV rejects: Messages rejected because BATV tag could not be validated.
  • RDNS/HELO rejects: Messages rejected due to invalid HELO or missing RDNS entries.

Whether there are any rejects depends on your settings in Email Protection > SMTP.