Dashboard Settings

You can modify several settings concerning the Dashboard. Click the Dashboard Settings icon on the top right of the Dashboard to open the Edit Dashboard Settings dialog window.

Refresh Dashboard: By default, the Dashboard is updated at intervals of five seconds. You can configure the refresh rate from Never to Every Minute.

Left Column – Right Column: The Dashboard is divided into different topic sections providing information on the respective topic. With the two boxes Left Column and Right Column you can arrange those topic sections and add or remove them from display. Those settings will then be reflected by the Dashboard. Use the sort icons to sort the topic sections of a column. To add or remove a particular topic section from display, select or unselect its checkbox.

The topic sections displayed by default are described in the Dashboard chapter. These topic sections can also be displayed:

Enable autogrouping on Dashboard: Select this option to display the information on the Dashboard compactly. This option only affects the selected Web Protection items in the left column and the selected Chart items in the right column. If selected, the respective information elements will be displayed as overlaying tabs on the Dashboard. If unselected, the information elements are displayed side by side.

Click Save to save your settings.

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