Network Definitions

The Definitions & Users > Network Definitions > Network Definitions tab is the central place for defining hosts, networks, and network groups on Sophos UTM. The definitions created here can be used on many other WebAdmin configuration menus.

Opening the tab, by default, all network definitions are displayed. Using the drop-down list on top of the list, you can choose to display network definitions with certain properties.

Tip – When you click on the Info icon of a network definition in the Network Definitions list, you can see all configuration options in which the network definition is used.

The network table also contains static networks, which were automatically created by the system and which can neither be edited nor deleted:

Note – User network objects authenticated via client authentication will always be shown as unresolved due to performance reasons.

To create a network definition, proceed as follows:

  1. On the Network Definitions tab, click New Network Definition.

    The Add Network Definition dialog box opens.

  2. Make the following settings:

    (Note that further parameters of the network definition will be displayed depending on the selected definition type.)

    Name: Enter a descriptive name for this definition.

    Type: Select the network definition type. The following types are available:

    Comment (optional): Add a description or other information.

  3. Optionally, make the following advanced settings:

    The options displayed depend on the selected Type above.

    Interface (optional): You can bind the network definition to a certain interface, so that connections to the definition will only be established via this interface.

    Caution – Be careful with binding network definitions to particular interfaces, as this might lead to conflicts with other configurations. Data packets sent through these particular interfaces could get lost and this would be hard to detect.

    Monitoring type (only with type Availability group): Select the service protocol for the alive status checks. Select either TCP (TCPClosed connection establishment), UDP (UDPClosed connection establishment), Ping (ICMPClosed Ping), HTTP host (HTTPClosed requests), or HTTPS hosts (HTTPSClosed requests) for monitoring. When using UDP a ping request will be sent initially which, if successful, is followed by a UDP packet with a payload of 0. If ping does not succeed or the ICMP port is unreachable, the host is regarded as down.

  4. Click Save.

    The new definition appears on the network definition list.

To either edit or delete a network definition, click the corresponding buttons.

Where Network Range Objects Can Be Used

Network range objects can be used in the following configurations:

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