SMTP Corrupt

Here you see messages that contain invalid or missing information regarding for example time stamp, recipient or source address.

Hint – Double-click a message to view it.

Profile/Domain: Select a profile/domain to show its messages only.

Sender/Rcpt/Subject substring: Here you can enter a sender, recipient, or subject to search for in the messages.

Received date: To only show messages processed during a certain time frame, enter a date, or select a date from the calendar icon.

Sort by: By default, the list is sorted by time of arrival. Messages can be sorted by date, subject line, sender address, and message size.

and show: The checkbox allows to display 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, or all messages per page. Note that showing all messages may take a lot of time.

Use the checkbox in front of each message or click a message to select it to apply actions on the selected messages. The following actions are available:

Select global cleanup action: Here you find a retry option and several deletion options that will be applied on messages globally, that is, regardless whether they are selected and/or displayed or not.

Caution – Deleted messages are irrevocable.

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