Security note on backup images

Each installation of the Sophos Connect client generates a unique GUID on a clean installation. The GUID is saved in a file called scvpn.uid and lives in the installation folder. This GUID will carry over on upgrade.

If you want to create a backup image (ghost image) of endpoint computers that includes the Sophos Connect client, you should remove the scvpn.uid file beforehand. Follow the steps below depending on the operating system. You can also include them in a script.

On Windows

Open the command line and run the following commands:

net stop scvpn
del c:\Program Files (x86)\sophos\connect\scvpn.guid

On macOS

Open the command line and run the following commands:

net stop scvpn
sudo rm /Library/Sophos Connect/scvpn.uid

Related information

Sophos Connect: Command-line interface (CLI) guide: KBA 000038531