Reset Configuration or Passwords

The options on the Reset Configuration or Passwords tab let you delete the passwords of the shell users. In addition, you can execute a factory reset, and you can reset the system ID of Sophos UTM.

Reset System Passwords

Executing the Reset System Passwords Now function will reset the passwords of the following users:

In addition, to halt the system, select the Shutdown system afterwards option.

Security Note – The next person connecting to the WebAdmin will be presented an Admin Password Setup dialog window. Thus, after resetting the passwords, you should usually quickly log out, reload the page in your browser, and set a new admin password.

Besides, shell access will not be possible anymore until you set new shell passwords on the Management > System Settings > Shell Access tab.

Factory Reset

The Run Factory Reset Now function resets the device back to the factory default configuration. The following data will be deleted:

However, the version number of Sophos UTM Software will remain the same, that is, all firmware and pattern updates that have been installed will be retained.

Note – Sophos UTM will shut down once a factory reset has been initiated.

UTM ID Reset

With the Reset UTM ID Now function you reset the system ID of Sophos UTM to a new, random value. This is for example relevant when you use endpoint protection. Every Sophos UTM using endpoint protection identifies itself on Sophos LiveConnect with its unique system ID. When you for example clone a virtual Sophos UTM using endpoint protection and want the clone to use it too, you need to reset the system ID of the cloned Sophos UTM so that it can afterwards identify with the new system ID. During the reset, if turned on, endpoint protection will be turned off.

Note – Endpoints are connected to their Sophos UTM using the Sophos UTM system ID. If you reset the Sophos UTM system ID and there is no other Sophos UTM listening on the old Sophos UTM ID, their endpoints will need to be reinstalled.

Note – If a Sophos UTM is connected to Sophos UTM Manager, and you reset its Sophos UTM system ID, Sophos UTM will connect as a new device. If necessary, you can merge the two devices.