
The Site-to-site VPN > Amazon VPC > Status page shows a list of all connections to your Amazon VPCs.

Here you can enable and disable the connections.

To enable connections to Amazon VPC, proceed as follows:

  1. On the Setup page, import at least one VPC connection.
  2. On the Status page, enable Amazon VPC.

    Click the toggle switch.

    The toggle switch turns green and the imported VPC connections are displayed.

  1. Enable the desired connection.

    Click the toggle switch of the connection you want to enable.

    The toggle switch turns green and the two tunnels of the VPC connection are displayed.

    Note – Each connection consists of two tunnels for redundancy reasons: an active and a backup tunnel. Active tunnels can be identified by having a netmask at the end of their BGP line. The status icons of the tunnels are displayed for control purposes only—you cannot enable or disable a single tunnel.

To disable all Amazon VPC connections click the topmost toggle switch. To disable a single connection click the toggle switch of the respective connection.

To close a connection and delete it from the list, click the red Delete icon of the respective connection.

Note – As the connections are configured on Amazon VPC's side, you can re-import a deleted connection into Sophos UTM with the same data as before.

More information about Amazon VPC can be found in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

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