Searching in Lists

A filter field helps you to quickly reduce the number of items displayed in a list. This makes it much easier to find the object(s) you were looking for.

Important Facts


The following list is a small selection of useful search strings:

Simple string: Matches all words that contain the given string. For example, "inter" matches "Internet", "interface", and "printer".

Beginning of a word: Mark the search expression with a \b at the beginning. For example, \binter matches "Internet" and "interface" but not "printer".

End of a word: Mark the search expression with a \b at the end. For example, http\b matches "http" but not "https".

Beginning of an entry: Mark the search expression with a ^ at the beginning. For example, ^inter matches "Internet Uplink" but not "Uplink Interfaces".

IP addresses: Searching for IP addresses, you need to escape dots with a backslash. For example, 192\.168 matches "192.168". To search more generally for IP addresses use \d which matches any digit. \d+ matches multiple digits in a row. For example, \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ matches any IPv4 address.

Note – It makes sense to rather use an easy, fail-safe search expression which will lead to more matches than to rack your brains for a supposedly more perfect one which can easily lead to unexpected results and wrong conclusions.

You can find a detailed description of regular expressions and their usage in Sophos UTM in the Sophos Knowledge Base.

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