Bandwidth Usage
The Network Usage > Bandwidth Usage tab presents comprehensive data about the network traffic which was transferred to/from and through the device.
From the first drop-down list, select the type of data to display, e.g., Top Clients or Top Services By Client. Select the desired entry, and, if an additional box is displayed, specify the respective filter argument. Additionally, using the drop-down list below, you can filter the entries by time. Always click Update to apply the filters.
On the By Client and By Server views you can manually provide an IP/Network, as well as network ranges (e.g., or 10/8). On the By Services views you can enter protocol and service, separated by comma (e.g., TCP,SMTP, UDP,6000). If you do not supply the protocol, TCP will be assumed (e.g. HTTP is also valid).
On the Top Clients and Top Servers views, if an IP or a hostname is clicked in the result table , it will automatically be used as a filter for the Top Services By Client or Top Services By Server view. On the Top Services, Top Applications, and Top Application Categories views, if you click a service, an application, or an application category in the result table, it will automatically be used as a filter for the Top Clients by Service, Top Clients by Application, or Top Clients by Category view.
Top Applications/Top Application Categories: If Application Control is turned off, network traffic will be displayed as "unclassified". If Application Control is active, network traffic will be displayed by type, e.g. "WebAdmin", "NTP", "facebook", etc. For more information on Application Control see chapter Web Protection > Application Control.
Please note that the labels IN and OUT for traffic may vary depending on the point of view. When running in proxy mode, the client connects to port 8080 on Sophos UTM (even in transparent mode), so data sent by the client (the request) is seen as incoming traffic and the data sent to the client (the response) is seen as outgoing traffic on the internal interface.
By default, 20 entries per page are displayed. If there are more entries, you can jump forward and backward using the Forward and Backward icons, respectively. In the Number of rows drop-down list, you can increase the number of entries displayed per page.
You can sort all data by clicking the table column headers. For example, if you want to sort all hosts by incoming traffic, click on IN in the table heading. Thus, hosts causing the most incoming traffic will be listed first. Note that the data for traffic is given in kibibytes (KiB) and mebibytes (MiB), both of which are base-2 units of computer storage (e.g., 1 kibibyte = 210 bytes = 1 024 bytes).
You can download the data in PDF or Excel format by clicking one of the corresponding icons in the top right corner of the tab. The report is generated from the current view you have selected. Additionally, by clicking the Pie Chart icon—if present—you can get a pie chart displayed above the table.