Bypass Users

On the Web Protection > Filtering Options > Bypass Users tab you can specify which users are allowed to bypass block pages.

To add an existing group or user:

  1. Click the Folder icon next to Users/Groups Allowed to Bypass Blocking.

    The list of existing users and groups appears in the left navigation pane.

  2. Select and drag the user or group to the Users/Groups Allowed to Bypass Blocking box.

    The item will now be listed on the Bypass Users tab.

To add a new user:

  1. Click the green Plus icon next to Users/Groups Allowed to Bypass Blocking.

    The Add User dialog window appears.

  2. Enter user information into the Add User dialog window.

    For how to add new users or groups, see Definitions & Users > Users & Groups > Users.

  3. Click Apply.

    Your settings will be saved.