The SMTP Log displays the log messages for all messages processed via SMTP.
Result Filter: Select which type of message will be displayed by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.
- Delivered: Successfully delivered messages.
- Rejected: Messages rejected by Sophos UTM.
- Quarantined: Quarantined messages.
- Blackholed: Messages that have been deleted without notification.
- Canceled: Messages that have been manually bounced in SMTP Spool.
- Bounced: Messages that could not be delivered, for example because of false routing settings.
- Deleted: Messages that have been manually deleted.
- Unknown: Messages whose status is unknown.
Use the checkboxes to select/unselect Result Filter items. Double-click an item to solely select this item.
Reason Filter: Use the checkboxes to further filter the message log display.
Note – Double-click a message log to view it. Click on the server icon of a message to resolve the IP address. An asterisk (*) denotes a successful reverse DNS lookup.
Profile/Domain: Select a profile/domain to show its messages only.
IP/Net/Address/Subj. substring: Here you can enter an IP address, network address, or subject to search for in the SMTP log messages.
Received date: To only show messages processed during a certain time frame, enter a date, or select a date from the calendar icon.
Sort by: By default, the list is sorted by event time. Messages can be sorted by event time, sender address, and message size.
and show: The checkbox allows to display 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, or all messages per page. Note that showing all messages may take a lot of time.