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ip name-server

Command Objective: This command configures default name server IP.

Syntax: ip name-server {ipv4 <ucast_addr> | ipv6 <ip6_addr>}

Parameter Description:

  • ipv4 <ucast_addr>: Sets the IP address for the domain name server in IPv4 address format.
  • ipv6 <ip6_addr>: Sets the IP address for the domain name server in IPv6 address format.

Mode: Global Configuration Mode.

domain name-server

Command Objective: This command configures the IP address for the domain name server.

The no form of the command disables the IP address configured for the domain name server.


  • domain name-server ipv4 <ucast_addr>
  • no domain name-server ipv4 <ucast_addr>

Parameter Description:

  • ipv4 <ucast_addr>: Sets the IP address for the domain name server in IPv4 address format.

Mode: Global Configuration Mode.

show ip dns name-server

Command Objective: This command displays the DNS name servers information.

Syntax: show ip dns name-server

Mode: Previledge EXEC Mode.