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monitor session - destination

Command Objective: This command configures a destination port for a mirroring session.

The no form of the command removes the destination port configuration of the mirroring session.


  • monitor session <session-id (1-3)> destination {interface <interface-type> <interface-id>} [allow-ingress]
  • no monitor session <session-id (1-3)> destination{interface <interface-type> <interface-id>} [allow-ingress]

Parameter Description:

  • session-id: Specifies the index of the mirroring session. This value ranges between 1 and 3.
  • interface: Specifies the destination port for the mirroring session.

    • <interface-type>: Interface type. This can be GigabitEthernet or Port Channel.
    • <interface-id>: Interface identifier. This is a combination of slot number and port number.
  • allow-ingress: Allow Packets Ingress to Destination Port.

Mode: Global Configuration Mode.

monitor session - source

Command Objective:This command configures a source port / remote VLAN for a mirroring session.

The no form of the command removes the source port / remote VLAN configuration of the mirroring session.


  • monitor session <session-id (1-3)> {source {interface <interface-type> <interface-id> [{rx | tx | both}]}
  • no monitor session <session-id (1-3)> {source{interface <interface-type> <interface-id> [{rx | tx | both}]}

Parameter Description:

  • session-id: Configures the session number that is used to identify a session.
  • interface: Configures the source interface whose traffic to be mirrored. The details to be provided are:

    • <interface-type>: Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

      • gigabitethernet: A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer upto 1 Gigabit per second.
    • <interface-id>: Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash.

  • rx: Mirrors received traffic.

  • tx: Mirrors transmitted traffic.
  • both: Specifies the traffic direction to monitor. If the traffic direction is not specified, both transmitted and received traffic is mirrored.

Mode: Global Configuration Mode.

no monitor session

Command Objective: This command is used to remove the mirroring configuration.

Syntax: no monitor session {session-id (1-3)}

Parameter Description:

  • session-id: Specifies the index of the mirroring session.

Mode: Global Configuration Mode.

show monitor

Command Objective: This command displays the mirroring information present in the system.

Syntax: show monitor {session <session-id (1-3)> | all} [detail]

Parameter Description:

  • <session-id (1-3)>: Displays the mirroring information for the specified index of the mirroring session.
  • all: Displays the mirroring information of all the sessions.
  • detail: Displays the detailed information regarding the session.

Mode: Global Configuration Mode.

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