voice vlan state
Command Objective: This command Enables / Disables voice vlan in the switch.
Syntax: voice vlan state [{oui-enabled | disabled | auto}]
Parameter Description:
- oui-enable: Enable voice vlan with OUI.
- disabled: Disable voice vlan.
- auto: Enable voice vlan with LLDP-MED.
Mode: Global Configuration Mode.
voice vlan id
Command Objective: This command specifies the voice VLAN.
Syntax: voice vlan id <integer(1-4094)>
Parameter Description:
- <integer(1-4094)>: Vlan id.
Mode: Global Configuration Mode.
voice vlan aging-time
Command Objective: This command specifies the voice VLAN aging timeout interval in minutes.
Syntax: voice vlan aging-time <integer(30-65535)>
Parameter Description:
- <integer(30-65535)>: Timeout in minutes.
Mode: Global Configuration Mode.
voice vlan cos
Command Objective: This command specifies the OUI Voice VLAN Class of Service (CoS).
Syntax: voice vlan cos <integer(0-7)> [remark]
Parameter Description:
- <integer(0-7)>: cos.
- [remark]: Specifies that the L2 user priority is remarked with the CoS value.
Mode: Global Configuration Mode.
voice vlan vpt
Command Objective: This command specifies the LLDP-MED vlan priority tag.
Syntax: voice vlan vpt <integer(0-7)>
Parameter Description:
- <integer(0-7)>: vpt.
Mode: Global Configuration Mode.
voice vlan dscp
Command Objective: This command specifies the LLDP-MED dscp.
Syntax: voice vlan dscp <integer(0-63)>
Parameter Description:
- <integer(0-63)>: dscp.
Mode: Global Configuration Mode.
voice vlan oui-table
Command Objective: This command specifies the voice vlan OUI table.
Syntax: voice vlan oui-table {add <aa:aa:aa> [text] | remove <aa:aa:aa>}
Parameter Description:
- add <aa:aa:aa>: Add voice device mac address prefix to OUI table.
- [text]: Voice device prefix description.
- remove <aa:aa:aa>: Remove voice device mac address prefix from OUI table.
Mode: Global Configuration Mode.
voice vlan enable
Command Objective: This command specifies the OUI voice vlan enable/disable on interfaces.
voice vlan enable
no voice vlan enable
Mode: Interface Configuration Mode.
voice vlan cos mode
Command Objective: This command specifies the OUI voice vlan cos mode on interfaces.
Syntax: voice vlan cos mode {src | all }
Parameter Description:
- src: QoS attributes are applied to packets with OUIs in the source MAC address.
- all: QoS attributes are applied to packets that are classified to the Voice VLAN.
Mode: Interface Configuration Mode.
show voice vlan
Command Objective: Show voice vlan state.
Syntax: show voice vlan [oui-table]
Parameter Description:
- [oui-table]: Specifies OUI table.
Mode: Previledge EXEC Mode.