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Any configuration changes made locally on the switch won't be synchronized with Sophos Central. We recommend making changes from the Sophos Central control panel instead.

MST port settings

Configure per-port settings when MSTP is turned on in global settings. To configure a port, do as follows:

  1. Select the checkbox of the port you want to configure.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Configure the following port settings:
Option Description
MST ID Displays the ID of the MST group that is created. You can set a maximum of 15 groups for the switch.
Port Displays port or trunked port ID.
Priority Select the bridge priority value. Switches running STP are each given a priority. Once BPDUs are exchanged, the switch with the lowest priority value becomes the root bridge. The bridge priority is a multiple of 4096. If you specify a priority that isn't a multiple of 4096, the priority is automatically set to the next lowest priority, which is a multiple of 4096. For example, if you set the priority to any value from 0 through 4095, the priority is set to 0. The default priority is 32768. The valid range is from 0 to 61440.
Internal Path Cost Conf The internal path cost setting specifies the relative cost of sending spanning-tree traffic through the interface to adjacent bridges within a spanning-tree region.
Internal Path Cost Oper Displays the operation cost of the path from this bridge to the root bridge.
Regional Root Bridge This is the bridge identifier of the CST regional root. It's made up using the bridge priority and the base MAC address of the bridge.
Internal Root Cost Displays the path cost to the designated root for the selected MST instance.
Designated Bridge Displays the bridge identifier of the bridge for the designated port. It's made up using the bridge priority and the base MAC address of the bridge.
Internal Port Cost This parameter represents the relative cost of forwarding packets to specified ports when an interface is selected within an STP instance. Selecting this parameter with a value in the range of 1 to 200000000 will set the quickest route when a loop occurs. A lower internal cost represents a quicker transmission. Selecting 0 (zero) for this parameter will automatically set the quickest optimal route for an interface.
Port Role A port role for each spanning tress is assigned to each MST bridge port that's enabled. The port role is one of the following values: Root, Designated, Alternate, Backup, Master, or Disabled.
Port State Displays the state of the selected port.
Edge Port Ope Displays the operating edge port state.
P2P MAC Conf Displays the P2P MAC state.
P2P MAC Oper Displays the operating P2P MAC state.