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Show status

config admin

Command objective: Shows the Administrator account username, access point name, and management settings.

Syntax: show status config admin


man$show status config admin
     Account to Manage This product
                 Administrator Name  admin
                  Advanced Settings
                       Product Name  LobbyAP6
                               HTTP  Disable
                              HTTPS  Enable
                         HTTPS Port  443
                             TELNET  Disable
                                SSH  Enable
                               SNMP  Disable
                                FTP  Disable

config date&time

Command objective: Shows the access point's date and time settings, NTP server information, and time zone.

Syntax: show status config date&time


man$show status config date&time
             Date and Time Settings
                         Local Time
                               Year  2023
                              Month  6
                                Day  13
                               Hour  19
                             Minute  6
                             Second  3
                    NTP Time Server
                            Use NTP  Enable
                        Server Name
                    Update Interval  24
                          Time Zone
                          Time Zone  Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

config led_settings

Command objective: Shows the access point's LED settings.

Syntax: show status config led_settings


man$show status config led_settings
                       LED Settings
                          Power LED  On
                           Diag LED  On

config syslog_server

Command objective: Shows the syslog server settings.

Syntax: show status config syslog_server


man$show status config syslog_server
                      Transfer Logs  Disable
    Copy log to attached USB device  Disable

lan ether

Command objective: Shows the LAN port and management VLAN settings.

Syntax: show status lan ether


man$show status lan ether
                     Wired Port(PD)
                         Wired Port  Enable
                     Speed & Duplex  Auto
                       Flow Control  Enable
                            802.3az  Disable
                          VLAN Mode  Untagged port
                            VLAN ID  1
                    Wired Port(PSE)
                         Wired Port  Enable
                     Speed & Duplex  Auto
                       Flow Control  Enable
                            802.3az  Enable
                          VLAN Mode  Untagged port
                            VLAN ID  1
                   Management VLAN
                            VLAN ID  1

lan ip

Command objective: Shows the LAN-side IPv4 settings.

Syntax: show status lan ip


man$show status lan ip
                             LAN IP
                      IP Assignment  DHCP Client
                         IP Address  ***.***.***.***
                     IP Subnet Mask
                    Default Gateway  ***.***.***.***
                        DNS Servers
                    Primary Address  ***.***.***.***

lan ipv6

Command objective: Shows the access point's IPv6 settings.

Syntax: show status lan ipv6


man$show status lan ipv6
                           LAN IPv6
                           LAN IPv6  Enable
                   IPv6 get IP from  Static
                       IPv6 Address  fd12:3456:789a:1::22
                        IPv6 Prefix  64
               IPv6 Default gateway  fd12:3456:789a:1::11


Command objective: Shows the access point's log.

Syntax: show status log


man$show status log
2023/06/20 15:45:38 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: Bandsteering, Stopping
2023/06/20 15:45:35 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: Traffic Shaping ssid, Stopping
2023/06/20 15:45:35 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: Captive Portal HTTPD, Stopping
2023/06/20 15:45:35 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: SNMP, stop SNMP server
2023/06/20 15:45:35 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: SCHEDULE, Schedule Stopping
2023/06/20 15:45:35 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: SCHEDULE, Schedule Stopping
2012/01/01 00:01:24 [SYSTEM]: [S4]: [sophos_starter]: Starting downloader...
2012/01/01 00:01:24 [SYSTEM]: [S1]: [admin]: Warning: AP is powered on insufficient power: 25.5W
2012/01/01 00:01:24 [SYSTEM]: [S1]: [admin]: LLDP-MED (25.5W) 1. All radios disabled 2. Alert on web page for insufficient power
2012/01/01 00:01:24 [SYSTEM]: [S1]: [admin]: Warning: AP is powered on insufficient power (25.5W) operating in AT mode.
2012/01/01 00:01:24 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: FTP server, Stopping
2012/01/01 00:01:24 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: HTTPS, start
2012/01/01 00:01:22 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: LEDs, light on specific LEDs
2012/01/01 00:01:22 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: NTP, start NTP Client
2012/01/01 00:01:22 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: Auto DHCP, Stopping
2012/01/01 00:01:22 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: DNS, start DNS Proxy
2012/01/01 00:01:19 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: IPv6 AP mode, Starting
2012/01/01 00:00:47 [DHCPC]: [S3]: [admin]: DHCP Client, Lease obtained: ###.###.###.###; lease time 86400
2012/01/01 00:00:28 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: LLDP-MED, start
2012/01/01 00:00:28 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: DHCPC, start
2012/01/01 00:00:28 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: LAN, start
2012/01/01 00:00:28 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: Bridge, start
2012/01/01 00:00:21 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: SYS, Model Name: Wireless Gigabit AP
2012/01/01 00:00:21 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: SYS, Application Version: 0.3.9
2012/01/01 00:00:21 [SYSTEM]: [S3]: [admin]: BOOT, AP6 840E


Command objective: Show the MAC address filtering table

Syntax: show status maclist


man[edit]$show status maclist
        MAC Address Filtering Table
                         MAC Number  1
                        MAC Address  11:22:33:44:55:66
                         MAC Number  2
                        MAC Address  A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:66

network proxyarp

Command objective: Shows the access point's proxy ARP settings.

Syntax: show status network proxyarp


man$show status network proxyarp
                           ProxyArp  Disable


Command objective: Show's the access point's RADIUS settings.

Syntax: show status radius


man$show status radius
             RADIUS Server (2.4 GHz)
              Primary RADIUS Server
           RADIUS Server IP Address  ***.***.***.***
                Authentication Port  1812
                      Shared Secret  *************
                    Session Timeout  3600
                         Accounting  Enable
                    Accounting Port  1813
                Accounting interval  600

               Second RADIUS Server
           RADIUS Server IP Address
                Authentication Port  1812
                      Shared Secret
                   Session Timeout   3600
                         Accounting  Enable
                    Accounting Port  1813
                Accounting interval  600
               RADIUS Server (5 GHz)
              Primary RADIUS Server
           RADIUS Server IP Address  ***.***.***.***
                Authentication Port  1812
                      Shared Secret  *************
                   Session Timeout   3600
                         Accounting  Enable
                    Accounting Port  1813
                Accounting interval  600

               Second RADIUS Server
           RADIUS Server IP Address
                Authentication Port  1812
                      Shared Secret
                   Session Timeout   3600
                         Accounting  Enable
                    Accounting Port  1813
                Accounting interval  600


Command objective: Shows the hardware information, wired LAN port settings, and wireless band settings.

Syntax: show status system_info


man$show status system_info
                 System Information

                              Model  AP6 840E
                      Serial Number  ***************
                                SKU  CA
                            Country  Canada
                             Uptime  02:27:39
                          Boot from  Internal memory
                            Version  1.0.1088
                                SDK  0.2.5
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                 Management VLAN ID  1
                         IP Address  ***.***.***.***
                    Default Gateway  ***.***.***.***
                                DNS  ***.***.***.***
                        DHCP Server  ***.***.***.***
                    Wired Port (PD)
                             Status  Connected (1000Mbps-Full-Duplex)
                          VLAN Mode  Untagged port
                            VLAN ID  1
                   Wired Port (PSE)
                             Status  Disconnected (---)
                          VLAN Mode  Untagged port
                            VLAN ID  1
                    Wireless 2.4 GHz
                             Status  Enable
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                            Channel  6 (Auto)
                     Transmit Power  100%

                              SSID1  *****************
                Authentication Mode  WPA2-PSK
                    Encryption Type  AES
                           VLAN ID1  1
          Additional Authentication  No additional authentication
          Wireless Client Isolation  Disable

                      Wireless 5 GHz
                             Status  Enable
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                            Channel  36 + 40 + 44 + 48 (Auto)
                     Transmit Power  100%

                              SSID1  *****************
                Authentication Mode  WPA2-PSK
                    Encryption Type  AES
                           VLAN ID1  1
          Additional Authentication  No additional authentication
          Wireless Client Isolation  Disable

                      Wireless 6GHz
                             Status  Enable
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                            Channel  65 + 69 + 73 + 77 + 81 + 85 + 89 + 93 (Auto)
                     Transmit Power  100%

                              SSID1  *****************
                Authentication Mode  WPA2-PSK
                    Encryption Type  AES
                           VLAN ID1  1
          Additional Authentication  No additional authentication
          Wireless Client Isolation  Disable


wlan advanced

Command objective: Shows the advanced settings for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz wireless bands.

Syntax: show status wlan {2.4g | 5g} advanced


man$show status wlan 2.4g advanced
         2.4 GHz Advanced Settings
                    Contention Slot  Short
                      Preamble Type  Short
                     Guard Interval  Long GI
                 802.11g Protection  Enable
                 802.11n Protection  Enable
                        DTIM Period  1
                      RTS Threshold  2347
                 Fragment Threshold  2346
                     Multicast Rate  Auto
                           Tx Power  100%
                    Beacon Interval  100
                  Station Keepalive  60

wlan basic

Command objective: Shows the basic settings for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz wireless bands.

Syntax: show status wlan {2.4g | 5g} basic


man$show status wlan 2.4g basic
             2.4 GHz Basic Settings
                              Radio  Enable
                               Band  manual
                       Enable SSID#  1
                              SSID1  Sophos AP6 840E 9570CD_2
                           VLAN ID1  1
                       Auto Channel  Enable
                 Auto Channel Range
                 Check Auto-channel  One day
 Change channel if STA is connected  Disable
                  Channel Bandwidth  auto
                   BSS BasicRateSet  1,2,5,5,11 Mbps

wlan clients

Command objective: Shows the status of devices connected to the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz wireless bands.

Syntax: show status wlan {2.4g | 5g} clients


man$show status wlan 2.4g clients
          2.4 GHz WLAN Client Table
                  WLAN Client Table
                          Interface  1
                               SSID  *****************
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                                 Tx  159.5 KBytes
                                 Rx  84.0 KBytes
                         Signal (%)  100
                         RSSI (dBm)  -44
                     Connected Time  6 hours 6 min 32 secs
                          Idle Time  128
                          Interface  1
                               SSID  *****************
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                                 Tx  460.5 KBytes
                                 Rx  1.2 MBytes
                         Signal (%)  100
                         RSSI (dBm)  -41
                     Connected Time  8 hours 58 min 31 secs
                          Idle Time  3
                          Interface  1
                               SSID  *****************
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                                 Tx  3.5 MBytes
                                 Rx  214.5 MBytes
                         Signal (%)  100
                         RSSI (dBm)  -49
                     Connected Time  6 hours 6 min 20 secs
                          Idle Time  0

wlan security

Command objective: Shows the security settings for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz wireless bands.

Syntax: show status wlan {2.4g | 5g} security


man$show status wlan 2.4g security
 2.4 GHz Wireless Security Settings
                               SSID  *****************
                     Broadcast SSID  Enable
                  Privacy Separator  Disable
                     Load Balancing  512
                      Security Mode  WPA-PSK
                           WPA Type  WPA2 Only
                    Encryption Type  AES
                 Key Renewal Period  60
                Pre-shared Key Type  Passphrase
                     Pre-shared Key  ***************
          Additional Authentication  No additional authentication
                     Smart Handover  disable

wlan monitor

Command objective: Scans the surrounding wireless environment and displays a list of all SSIDs within range.

Syntax: show status wlan monitor


man$show status wlan monitor
Start site survey, please wait.
                       Wireless 11g
                                 Ch  1
                               SSID  *******
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                           Security  WPA2PSK/AES
                         Signal (%)  95
                               Type  11ax

                                 Ch  6
                               SSID  *******
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                           Security  WPA2PSK/AES
                         Signal (%)  45
                               Type  11ax

                                 Ch  157
                               SSID  *******
                        MAC Address  **:**:**:**:**:**
                           Security  WPA2PSK/AES
                         Signal (%)  36
                               Type  11ax

wlan wmm

Command objective: Shows the access point's QoS settings.

Syntax: show status wlan wmm


man$show status wlan wmm
                  QoS Configuration
                             Status  Enable
                  WMM-EDCA Settings
     WMM Parameters of Access Point
                        Back Ground  7
                        Best Effort  3
                              Video  1
                              Voice  1
                        Back Ground  10
                        Best Effort  6
                              Video  4
                              Voice  3
                        Back Ground  4
                        Best Effort  4
                              Video  3
                              Voice  2
                        Back Ground  0
                        Best Effort  0
                              Video  94
                              Voice  47
          WMM Parameters of Station
                        Back Ground  7
                        Best Effort  3
                              Video  2
                              Voice  2
                        Back Ground  10
                        Best Effort  10
                              Video  4
                              Voice  3
                        Back Ground  4
                        Best Effort  4
                              Video  3
                              Voice  2
                        Back Ground  0
                        Best Effort  0
                              Video  94
                              Voice  47

wlan wps

Command objective: Shows the access point's WPS settings.

Syntax: show status wlan wps


man$show status wlan wps
        WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)
                                WPS  Disable
                            WPS Pin  01234567
                       WPS Security
                         WPS Status  Configured

                           Security  WPA2-PSK AES
                     Pre-shared Key  ***************

                           Security  WPA2-PSK AES
                     Pre-shared Key  ***************