Command objective: Turns the specified frequency band on or off.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g | 5g} {enable | disable}
Default: Enabled.
wlan 2.4g disable
2.4g 80211g_protect
Command objective: Turns 802.11g protection on or off for the 2.4 GHz band.
Syntax: wlan 2.4g 80211g_protect {enable | disable}
Default: Enabled.
wlan 2.4g 80211g_protect disable
2.4g band
Command objective: Sets the radio's operating mode, channels, basic rate set (BRS), and bandwidth for the 2.4 GHz frequency band.
Syntax: wlan 2.4g band {11b | 11g | 11b11g | 11g11n | 11b11g11n} brs {2m | 11m | 24m | all} channel {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | auto_1-11ch | auto_1-13ch | auto_1/6/11ch} bandwidth {20m | 40m | auto}
Parameter description:
- 2m: Set BRS to 1/2 Mbps.
- 11m: Set BRS to 1/2/5.5/11 Mbps.
- 24m: Set BRS to 1/2/5.5/11/12/24 Mbps.
- all: Set all rates supported by the specified band.
- 20m: Set bandwidth to 20 MHz
- 40m: Set bandwidth to 40 MHz.
- Auto: Set bandwidth automatically based on interference level.
wlan 2.4g band 11b11g11n brs all channel auto_1/6/11ch bandwidth 40m
2.4g conslot
Command objective: Sets the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) contention window for the 2.4 GHz frequency band.
Syntax: wlan 2.4g conslot {long | short}
Default: Short.
wlan 2.4g conslot long
2.4g preamble
Command objective: Sets the preamble type for the 2.4 GHz frequency band.
Syntax: wlan 2.4g preamble {short | long}
Default: Short.
wlan 2.4g preamble long
5g band
Command objective: Sets the radio's operating mode, channels, basic rate set (BRS), and bandwidth for the 5 GHz frequency band.
Syntax: wlan 5g band {11a | 11a11n | 11a11n11ac} brs {24m | all} channel {36 | 40 | 44 | 48 | 52 | 56 | 60 | 64 | 100 | 104 | 108 | 112 | 116 | 120 | 124 | 128 | 132 | 136 | 140 | w52 | w52+w53 | w52+w53+w56} bandwidth {20m | 40m | 40m+ex_upper_ch | 80m}
Parameter description:
- 24m: Set BRS to 1/2/5.5/11/12/24 Mbps.
- all: Set all rates supported by the specified band.
- 20m: Set bandwidth to 20 MHz
- 40m: Set bandwidth to 40/20 MHz.
- 40m+ex_upper_ch: Set bandwidth to 40MHz with an extra upper channel.
- 80m: Set bandwidth to 80/40/20 MHz.
wlan 5g band 11a11n11ac brs all channel w52+w53+w56 bandwidth 80m
Command objective: Turns 802.11n protection on or off for the specified frequency band.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g | 5g} 80211g_protect {enable | disable}
Default: Enabled.
wlan 5g 80211n_protect enable
Command objective: Turns airtime fairness on or off and sets the shared rate for the specified frequency band.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} airtimefairness {show | disable | auto | static <sharedrate>}
Parameter description:
- sharedrate: Manually set the shared rate. Must be between 1-100.
Default: Enabled, Auto
wlan 5g airtimefairness disable
Command objective: Shows the specified information about the access point and frequency band.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g | 5g} basic_info show status {advanced | basic | clients | security | wds}
Parameter description:
- advanced: Shows advanced wireless settings for the specified frequency band.
- basic: Shows basic wireless settings for the specified frequency band.
- clients: Shows information for connected wireless devices.
- security: Shows the wireless security settings for the specified frequency band.
- wds: Shows WDS information.
man$wlan 2.4g basic_info show status basic
2.4 GHz Basic Settings
Radio Enable
Band manual
Enable SSID# 1
SSID1 *****************
Auto Channel Enable
Auto Channel Range
Check Auto-channel One day
Change channel if STA is connected Disable
Channel Bandwidth auto
BSS BasicRateSet 1,2,5,5,11 Mbps
Command objective: Sets the DTIM interval for the specified frequency band.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g | 5g} beacon dtim <time>
Parameter description:
- time: Set a number between 1-255 milliseconds.
Default: 1
wlan 5g beacon dtim 100
Command objective: Sets the beacon interval for the selected frequency band.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g | 5g} beacon interval <time>
Parameter description:
- time: Set a number between 40-1000 milliseconds.
Default: 100
wlan 5g beacon interval 200
Command objective: Turns Change channel even if clients are connected on or off.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} channel change_ch_if_STA_connect {enable | disable}
Default: Disabled.
wlan 2.4g channel change_ch_if_STA_connect enable
Command objective: Sets a time interval for how often the auto channel setting will check the wireless channel settings.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} channel check_time {half_hr | one_hr | two_hr | half_day | one_day | two_day}
Default: Half hour.
wlan 2.4g channel check_time half_day
Command objective: Sets the fragment threshold.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} fragmentthreshold <threshold>
Parameter description:
- threshold: Set the size limit before the access point splits a packet into multiples. Must be between 256-2346.
Default: 2346
wlan 2.4g fragmentthreshold 1024
Command objective: Sets the Guard interval value.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} gi {long | short}
Default: Long
wlan 2.4g gi short
The wlan high_power
command causes your access point to restart.
Command objective: Turns the access point's high power mode on or off.
Syntax: wlan high_power {disable | enable}
Default: Disabled
wlan high_power enable
Command objective: Sets the Station idle timeout value.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} keepalive <time>
Parameter description:
- time: How often the access point sends keepalive messages to wireless devices to check if they are still active. Must be between 0-65535 seconds.
Default: 60
wlan 2.4g keepalive 3600
Command objective: Adds or removes devices from the MAC address restriction list.
Syntax: wlan neighbor {add <address> | delete {num <number> | address <address> | all}} [force]
Parameter description:
- address: The MAC address of the device you want to add or remove.
- number: The number of the device in the MAC address restriction list.
- all: Delete all entries.
wlan maclist add 1A2B3C4D5E66
show status
Command objective: Shows the access point's MAC restriction list.
Syntax: wlan maclist show status
wlan maclist show status
MAC Address Filtering Table
MAC Number 1
MAC Number 2
MAC Address A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:66
Command objective: Sets the access point's multicast rate in Mbps.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} mrate {1 | 2 | 5.5 | 6 | 9 | 11 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 36 | 48 | 54 | auto}
Default: Auto
wlan 2.4g mrate 54
Command objective: Adds or removes devices from the MAC address neighbor list.
Syntax: wlan neighbor {add <address> | delete {num <number> | address <address> | all}}
Parameter description:
- address: The MAC address of the device you want to add or remove.
- number: The number of the device in the MAC address neighbor list.
- all: Delete all entries.
wlan neighbor add 1A2B3C4D5E66
Command objective: Sets the frame size limit before devices must transfer RTS packets.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} rtsthreshold <threshold>
Parameter description:
- threshold: The maximum frame size. Must be between 1-2347.
Default: 2347
wlan 5g rtsthreshold 1024
Command objective: Turns the access point's SSID schedules on or off.
Syntax: wlan schedule {disable | enable}
Default: Disabled.
wlan schedule enable
Command objective: Adds an SSID schedule.
Syntax: wlan schedule add {2.4g_ssid_none | 2.4g_ssid_num <number> | 2.4g_ssid_all} {5g_ssid_none | 5g_ssid_num <number> | 5g_ssid_all} day <daysofweek> start_time <start_hour> <start_min> end_time <end_hour> <end_min>
Parameter description:
- 2.4g_ssid_none: Schedule won't apply to any 2.4 GHz SSIDs.
- 2.4g_ssid_num: Specify a specific 2.4 GHz SSID by number.
- 2.4g_ssid_all: Schedule will apply to all 2.4 GHz SSIDs.
- 5g_ssid_none: Schedule won't apply to any 5 GHz SSIDs.
- 5g_ssid_num: Specify a specific 5 GHz SSID by number.
- 5g_ssid_all: Schedule will apply to all 5 GHz SSIDs.
- daysofweek: The three-letter abbreviation for the days of the week when you want the schedule to apply. Use commas to separate multiple days.
- start_hour: The two-digit hour when you want the schedule to start.
- start_min: The two-digit minute when you want the schedule to start.
- end_hour: The two-digit hour when you want the schedule to end.
- end_min: The two-digit minute when you want the schedule to end.
wlan schedule add 2.4g_ssid_all 5g_ssid_all day mon,tue,wed,thu,fri start_time 06 00 end_time 18 00
Command objective: Delete one or all SSID schedules.
Syntax: wlan schedule delete {num <number> | all }
Parameter description:
- number: The index number of the schedule you want to delete.
wlan schedule delete all
Command objective: Shows the SSID schedules.
Syntax: wlan schedule show
wlan schedule show
Schedule Enable
Number 1
2.4 GHz
Sophos AP6 840E 9570CD_2
5 GHz
Sophos AP6 840E 9570CD_5
Day(s) of Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Start Time 06 : 00
End Time 18 : 00
Command objective: Turns the specified SSID on or off.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid {disable|enable} {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>}
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
Default: Enabled.
wlan 5g ssid disable ssidnum 1
Command objective: Sets additional authentication for the specified wireless band and SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid addsecurity {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num> } mode {none | macfilter | macradius {authmac | authpass <pass>} | macradius+macfilter {authmac | authpass <pass>}
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- authmac: Use the device's MAC address for RADIUS atuhentication.
- authpass: Use a password for authentication.
- pass: Enter a password for MAC RADIUS authentication.
Default: None
wlan 5g ssid addsecurity ssidnum 1 mode macradius authpass P@ssw0rd
Command objective: Turns the specified SSID broadcast on or off.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid broadcast {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num> } {enable | disable}
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
Default: Enabled.
wlan 2.4g ssid broadcast ssidnum 1 disable
Command objective: Creates the specified number of SSIDs.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid create <number>
Parameter description:
- number: The number of SSIDs you want to create. Maximum 16.
Default: 1
wlan 5g ssid create 4
Command objective: Sets the Load balancing value for the specified SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid loadbalance {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} limit <maximum>
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- maximum: The maximum number of devices that can connect to the specified SSID. Must be between 1-512.
Default: 100
wlan 5g ssid loadbalance ssidnum 1 limit 20
Command objective: Turns Wireless client isolation on or off.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid privacy {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} {station | ssid | disable}
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- station: Wireless devices can't communicate with each other.
- ssid: Wireless devices can communicate with other wireless devices connected to the same SSID.
Default: Disabled
wlan 5g ssid privacy ssidnum 1 station
Command objective: Changes the name of the specified SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid rename {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} <newssidname>
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- newssidname: The new name you want to give to the specified SSID.
wlan 2.4g ssid rename ssidname GuestLobbyWifi SophosGuestWifi
security mode
Command objective: Sets WEP authentication for the specified SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid security {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} mode wep length {64 | 128} keytype {ascii | hex} defaultkey <default> key <wepkey>
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- length: The length of the key. 64 or 128.
- ascii: 5 (64-bit) or 13 (128-bit) letters and numbers.
- hex: 10 (64-bit) or 26 (128-bit) letters and numbers.
- default: Set the default encryption key, from 1 to 4.
- wepkey: Set the encryption key.
wlan 2.4g ssid security ssidname SophosGuestWifi mode wep length 64 keytype ascii defaultkey 2 key 12345
Command objective: Sets WPA-PSK authentication for the specified SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid security {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} mode {wpapsk | wpa2psk | wpa2mixedpsk} type {aes | tkip | mixed} period <renewalperiod> keytype {passphrase | hex} key <psk>
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- aes: Sets AES as the encryption method.
- tkip: Sets TKIP as the encryption method. You must choose
to use TKIP. - mixed: Sets mixed mode as the encryption method. You must choose
to use mixed mode. - renewalperiod: Sets the key renewal interval. Must be between 0-9999 minutes.
- passphrase: Pre-shared key must be at least 8 letters and numbers.
- hex: Pre-shared key must be 64 letters and numbers.
- psk: Set your pre-shared key.
wlan 5g ssid security ssidnum 1 mode wpa2psk type aes period 60 keytype passphrase key 12345678
Command objective:
Syntax: wlan {media} ssid security {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} mode {wpaeap | wpa2eap | wpa2mixedeap } type {aes | tkip | mixed} period <renewalperiod>
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- aes: Sets AES as the encryption method.
- tkip: Sets TKIP as the encryption method. You must choose
to use TKIP. - mixed: Sets mixed mode as the encryption method. You must choose
to use mixed mode. - renewalperiod: Sets the key renewal interval. Must be between 0-9999 minutes.
wlan 5g ssid security ssidnum 1 mode wpa2mixedeap type mixed period 60
Command objective: Sets EAP authentication for the specified SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid security {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} mode eap length {64 | 128}
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- length: The length of the key. Must be 64 or 128.
wlan 2.4g ssid security ssidnum 1 mode eap length 128
Command objective: Removes authentication for the specified SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid security {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} mode no_auth
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
wlan 2.4g ssid security ssidname SophosGuestWiFi mode no_auth
Command objective: Sets the tranmission power, as a percentage, for the specified frequency band.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} txpower {10 | 25 | 50 | 75 | 90 | 100}
Default: 100
wlan 2.4g txpower 50
Command objective: Sets the VLAN ID for the specified SSID.
Syntax: wlan {2.4g|5g} ssid vlan {ssidname <name> | ssidnum <num>} vlan <vlanid>
Parameter description:
- name: The name of the SSID.
- num: The number of the SSID.
- vlanid: The VLAN ID you want to set. Must be between 1-4095.
Default: 1
wlan 5g ssid vlan ssidnum 1 vlanid 2000
Command objective: Configures the WMM settings.
Syntax: wlan wmm {ap | sta} {aifsn | cwmax | cwmin | txop} bk <background> be <besteffort> vi <video> vo <voice>
Parameter description:
- ap: Configure WMM for the access point.
- sta: Configure WMM for the SIP station.
- aifsn: Sets the values for arbitration inter-frame space between 1-15.
- cwmax: Sets the values for maximum contention window size between 1-32767. Must be greater than cwmin.
- cwmin: Sets the values for minimum contention windo size between 1-32767. Must be less than cwmax.
- txop: Sets the values for transmission opportunity between 1-65535.
- background: Sets the value for the background queue.
- besteffort: Sets the value for the best effort queue.
- video: Sets the value for the video queue.
- voice: Sets the value for the voice queue.
CWMin CWMax AIFSN TxOP Back Ground 4 10 7 Best Effort 4 6 3 Video 3 4 1 Voice 2 3 1 -
CWMin CWMax AIFSN TxOP Back Ground 4 10 7 Best Effort 4 10 3 Video 3 4 2 Voice 2 3 2
wlan wmm sta txop bk 65535 be 65535 vi 65535 vo 65535
show status
Command objective: Shows the WMM settings for the access point and SIP station
Syntax: wlan wmm show status
wlan wmm show status
QoS Configuration
Status Enable
WMM-EDCA Settings
WMM Parameters of Access Point
Back Ground 7
Best Effort 3
Video 1
Voice 1
Back Ground 10
Best Effort 6
Video 4
Voice 3
Back Ground 4
Best Effort 4
Video 3
Voice 2
Back Ground 0
Best Effort 0
Video 0
Voice 0
WMM Parameters of Station
Back Ground 7
Best Effort 3
Video 2
Voice 2
Back Ground 10
Best Effort 10
Video 4
Voice 3
Back Ground 4
Best Effort 4
Video 3
Voice 2
Back Ground 0
Best Effort 0
Video 94
Voice 47
Command objective: Turns WMM QoS on and off.
Syntax: wlan wmm qos {disable | enable}
Default: Disabled.
wlan wmm qos enable