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Syslog server

You can send the access point's logs to a server.

Syslog server settings

To send your logs to a syslog server, select Enable Syslog server and enter a hostname, domain, or IP address for the server up to 128 letters and numbers. You can enter a custom Port or use the default port, 514.

Syslog email settings

To send system logs via email, you must configure the following settings:

  • Email logs: Turn system log emails on or off.
  • Email subject: Enter a subject line for the system log email.
  • SMTP server address: The IP address of your SMTP server.
  • SMTP server port: The port to use when connecting to the SMTP server.
  • Sender email: This email address appears as the sender.
  • Recipient email: The access point sends the system logs to this address.
  • Authentication: Choose from the following options:

    • Disable: No authentication with the SMTP server.
    • SSL: Authentication with the SMTP server takes place over SSL. You must configure an Account and Password for the SMTP server.
    • TLS: Authentication with the SMTP server takes place over TLS. You must configure an Account and Password for the SMTP server.