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IPv6 Settings

You can have IPv6 settings configured automatically via DHCPv6 or enter the settings manually.

To configure IPv6 Settings, do as follows:

  1. Go to Network settings > IPv6 Settings.
  2. Select Enable to turn on IPv6.
  3. Select Auto from the Get IP from drop-down menu to automatically configure IPv6 settings via DHCPv6.
  4. Scroll to the top of the page and click Apply.
  1. Go to Network settings > IPv6 Settings.
  2. Select Enable to turn on IPv6.
  3. Select Static from the Get IP from drop-down menu to manully assign an IPv6 address.
  4. Enter the IPv6 Address.
  5. Enter the IPv6 Prefix.
  6. Enter the Default Gateway.
  7. Scroll to the top of the page and click Apply.